attorney went into a bar for a Martini and found himself beside
a scruffy-looking drunk who kept mumbling and studying something
in his hand. He leaned closer while the drunk held the tiny object
up to the light, slurring, "Well, it looks plastic." Then
he rolled it between his fingers, adding, "But it feels like
the attorney asked, "What do you have there?"
drunk replied, "I don't know, but it looks like plastic and
feels like rubber."
attorney responded, "Let me take a look."
So the
drunk handed it over and the lawyer rolled between his thumb and
fingers, then examined it closely by sniffing and licking it. "Yeah,
it does look like plastic and feel like rubber, has no significant
smell or taste, I sure don't know what it is. Where did you get
drunk replied, "Out of my nose!" |